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The Path to Getting Published

The Path to Getting Published

I almost called this, (The Secret to Getting Published) but getting published is No Secret At All. Actually it is a series of steps anyone with a dream, and a will to make it happen, could take.

When you think about a series of steps, you may think that I am talking about steps as in 1 2 3, and that will be what my imagination will lead you to.

Let's engage your imagination, though.

Picture your self standing in front of 3 paths. All three paths will lead you to the same place. The only difference is the journey. This journey includes these questions. How long it will take? How many obstacles there are to overcome? How many other travelers are taking the same path?

I know you are saying get to the point, but when have you ever known a writer to get to the point?

The first path is rocky, and the ground appears to be hard. There are a lot of obstacles. The travelers are a few, but they are not looking back. There is no indication at all that you will get any help from them. On this path, you cannot see around the turns and there is a gatekeeper.

The second path looks smoother with fewer rocks. There is some shade along the way. There is no gatekeeper, and there are many individuals with their hands out ready to help you, however it will cost you to make this journey. You will have to pay a toll. The amount of the toll is not clear. Even though this is the case, there are many on this path.

The third path seems to be blocked, but when you look around the obstacle blocking the way, you can see an end in sight. Like the first path, you can see a few travelers, but they are waving at you to come on.

Are you still with me? I promise it is worth the ride. If indeed you want, if you truly desire, to get published.

Before I explain the different paths described above. Would you like to know if I talk the talk and walk the walk?

Here is a short synopsis of my story. Click the button below.

If you want the description to the three paths and get to the business of publishing; click below.

Round 1 Touch the Dream Button

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Published Author

The Hero 3

The Hero by Arthur S. Newman

He stood there staring at the picture, the years had just rolled by the memories of both the good times and the bad times, how could he had ever expected all the joy and the pain to come down to this unshakeable loneliness that he now felt.

The moment was broken by the steps of their eight year old son. “Dad, come on let's go, I can’t wait to see grandma and grandpa, especially grandma.”


Published Author

Ever Tangled With Lightning9
Ever Tangled With Lightning Click for Sample

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